
9/12(木) 第158回大幸ライフトピア連携研究会(保健学セミナー)

9月12日(木)17:30~ 保健学セミナーが開催されます。ぜひご参加ください。

・テーマ「Building Systems for Aging in Community」
・講師:Ryan Lavalley先生(ノースカロライナ大学 助教、作業療法士)
・言語:英語 ※博士学生による一部通訳あり
・場所:大幸キャンパス 本館2階 第1講義室
・概要:The aging experience can be one of joy, celebration, transformation, and growth, particularly if situated among communities and systems that embrace aging as a necessary and natural part of life. Ageism has often prevented communities from acknowledging and preparing for these inevitable realities of older adulthood. In this presentation, I will discuss various strategies that the Community Practice Lab, in partnership with local non-profits and governmental agencies, has been involved with in Orange County, North Carolina, USA to facilitate community capacity for aging. These will include county-wide strategic planning, intergenerational programs, county-wide dementia capability initiatives, one-stop-shop service provisions, and older adult empowerment initiatives such as oral history collection and leadership trainings. We will discuss practical ways to prepare communities and systems to support older adult health and well-being.


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